Has anyone else noticed how quickly summer is zooming by? I am hanging on tight to it! There is the trick. I need to savor each moment instead of focusing on the rat race swirling around me! We really have six weeks left which is great, but I notice I am getting alot of phones calls about fall plans and find myself wondering if I will be ready to start up homeschooling again when the time comes. So, I am doing alot of praying about having motivation and joy in doing the Lord's will for our family!
The homeschool books are neatly lining the bookshelves. Tryout season for the kids has begun. Christian had soccer tryouts for a U12 Travel team. He made the team and starts practicing on Tuesday. Tyler has 3 weekly tryouts for a Premier Travel U15 Soccer League. In two weeks he will begin tryouts for the local High School's soccer team. Rachel is presently in summer dance and she has Hip Hop Competition team tryouts in 2 weeks. So you see, we are on vacation but things have a way of keeping you on your toes!
What are you doing this summer? Whatever it is, don't forget to smell the flowers and listen to the children laughing and notice the sun on your face!
"Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture." Ps. 37:3