This promises to be a busy year. The kids are in activities and we are beginning a new ministry of having a small group Bible Study in our home. I can't wait for the Bible Study! It has been a long time since we have done something like this. I am tempted to say it has been too long but I realize that God's timing is perfect so I'll just be thankful we are there now!
School has started off pretty well and I think this will be a good year. Of course, it is a big adjustment to go from freedom to school but we are getting in the groove. I try to have fun with school for the kids, but then there comes a time that work is work and there is just no hiding it!
Fall is in the air! The weather trend is much cooler. The crispness of fall is around us! I am feeling in a slump with our menus. I have gotten to repetitive and I am sick of our normal foods. So I think I will browse around the internet and my cookbooks and hunt up some yummy recipes. I'll post what I find! I think we are just done with summer cooking. In the summer you just want to keep as much heat out of the house as possible so it is quick stuff. Now it's time to spend some good time cooking and the warmth of the stove! :)
My friend Linda Marie awarded my blog! I love reading her blog and so I am especially blessed by this. Thanks Linda!

I hope everyone reading is doing well. I hope to be posting more now that we are in the "post summer" schedule! I hope you will visit often!