Today it snowed a little. There was great excitement and shouting throughout the house when the discovery was made. It is gone now but here it *was*:

I also did a little cooking with leftovers. I made mini turkey pies. Robin made up some pie crust (his comes out so good!) for me. I just put it in muffin pans and then added leftovers dollop by dollop.

I used turkey, mashed potato, carrots, dressing and a dollop of gravy in each.


These are going in a freezer bag and in the freezer for lunches. Tomorrow we'll make turkey wraps. We make homemade tortilla shells and put in the leftovers. Robin likes to also add cranberry sauce in these. When done they'll also go in the freezer for lunches or quick meals. I'd also like to make soup.
What do you do with your leftovers?