Thursday, January 08, 2009


"In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation." Ps. 5:3

I am learning that for me, I must be up early before everyone in the house to have a good time with the Lord. Yesterday I woke up late and didn't have time to start out well with my reading. I still did it but it was loud in the house and I had a harder time focusing. I was *off on the wrong foot* all day long.

Last night, before bed, I prayed and prayed that the Lord would help me to get up earlier. And I did...what a difference!

This year, for my reading, I am doing the One Year Bible. I read it online at
One Year Bible Online. Then I read the One Year Bible Blog. What I love best about the One Year Bible Blog, is that the author posts a song from YouTube that relates to the reading. It really helps me to worship. I also go to Bible Gateway because they have various versions of the Bible there and I can easily compare versions.

What works for you? I know lots of people like to read at night. I have a Christian book going for before bed, but I find I am too tired for much heavy concentration. I am not normally an early morning person but I am fervently praying that God will help me to continue to get up early becuase that seems to be all that works for me in this season of life!!


~ Laurie said...

I'm reading in the evening after the kids go to bed. Hubby sits across the room and I constantly peg him with questions while I'm reading :)

Pam said...

Oh that sounds so great! I have to do it in the morning or I lose steam later. But I'm not a morning person either. :>